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Imagine a world where future generations will never know the wonder of seeing a bat in the wild or the joy of witnessing an emergence of bats at dusk.

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Join our efforts to reverse the decline in bat biodiversity and stop the extinction crisis.


The number of animal species headed toward extinction


US bat species declining or listed as Endangered


Bat species lost to extinction in the past 100 years


Global bat species threatened with extinction

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Logging and habitat destruction in the Solomon Islands.

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The Christmas Island Pipistrelle, declared extinct in 2009, due to inaction and no efforts to save the species

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Illegally hunted fruit bats in an African market

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Illegally captured Malayan Flying Foxes, just like those at Lubee, getting ready to go to a wet market


  • Bats are facing unprecedented threats from habitat destruction, illegal poaching, and persecution due to misinformation.

  • Each loss is irreversible, and as these creatures vanish, so too does the rich tapestry that sustains life on Earth.

  • The loss of bats is not just a loss for biodiversity, but a perilous step towards ecological imbalance that affects us all.


  • Rodrigues Island - Education and community programs focus on Rodrigues Fruit Bat recovery and habitat restoration.  The current population is now at 20,000 bats.

  • USA - Since 2017, Lubee staff have built and installed over 150 bat houses, providing crucial roost habitats for maternity colonies.

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Lubee bat house

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Rodrigues Fruit Bat, Jigglypuff

  • Papua New Guinea – Expanding Key Biodiversity Areas and protection for Monkey-faced Bats by mapping roost sites and tracking critically endangered species.

Bougaineville MFB

  • Solomon Islands - VICTORY! Thanks to your support, the forests and bats of Zaira have been protected from logging!

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Zaira Village forests

Zaira Village coastline

  • I Am Not Art – Thousands of bats are killed every year for use as ornamentals and décor.  Join our new campaign to stop this slaughter.  Visit to learn how you can get involved.

Painted Woolly Bat

Dead Painted Woolly Bats used in “artwork”


Lubee’s Conservation Commitment​

  • Lubee’s 35th anniversary is July 31, 2024.  Throughout our history, we have funded 212 projects in over 25 countries

  • Lubee is fully committed to The Biodiversity Plan For Life On Earth to halt and reverse the decline in species across the world.

  • Our conservation programs have protected bats, preserved habitats, created jobs, built schools, and empowered women’s groups.

Please Consider A Donation For Bat Conservation

  • We are at a critical junction for conservation;  biodiversity loss is at an alarming rate, and the time for global action is now.

  • Lubee is taking definitive actions to focus on bat species in the US, Asia, Africa, and Pacific region to reverse population declines.

  • We are reaching out to you because you have the power to make a difference. Your generous donation can provide the resources needed to protect endangered bats and their habitats.

  • Every dollar you give is a lifeline for these majestic animals. Your support is not just a donation; it is a beacon of hope for endangered bats struggling to survive.

Rodrigues Fruit Bat mom & pup

Please, don't let these beautiful animals become stories of the past. Together, we can turn the tide and ensure that our planet remains a sanctuary for all bats.

You are and always have been the difference. 

Please consider a donation to support our conservation efforts.

We need your help to reverse the decline in bat biodiversity, protect bat populations, and preserve habitats


This summer we are setting an ambitious goal of $40,000 to end bat extinctions. Please consider a donation of any amount to make a difference for wild bat populations.


Help Save Us From Extinction

An anonymous donor has pledged to match
your donations towards our conservation efforts.


Make your donation today and become a guardian of our precious bats. Together, we can protect them and preserve the balance of our ecosystem.





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Thank You!


We are a non-profit organization dedicated to saving bats and their habitats through conservation, education, and awareness, with a focus on children and community engagement.

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1309 NW 192nd Ave Gainesville, FL 32609   352-485-1250

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