“Love Our Bats” is a national campaign designed to raise awareness and promote action for bat species locally and globally. Thanks to our partnership with Explore.org, Lubee has introduced our beautiful bats to individuals around the world through cameras placed in their habitats that run 24/7, 365 days a year. We feel that watching the bats play, socialize, and raise their young, will be an endearing way to delve into the lives of these gentle yet misunderstood mammals.
Educational presentations are live-streamed on Explore.org and available on Facebook and YouTube. Information is provided on a variety of topics ranging the animals at Lubee to bat houses and palm oil.

Logo Designed by Valentine Delacourt
We are also happy to promote Lubee’s 30 years of leadership in bat conservation, research, husbandry, and education. Lubee is the only organization in the world that houses endangered bats while maintaining active conservation and education programs. We are striving to be the world's leading bat organization and “Love Our Bats” allows us to engage a larger audience and advance our mission. Action begins with awareness, and highlighting the importance of bats provides a wonderful opportunity to turn individuals into advocates.